Washington D fucking C.


So we landed last night, in glorious DC….

Greetings all.

So we landed last night, in glorious DC.

Washington DC was named after the first president of the USA, don’t you know… George was his name.

We flew from Glasgow, narrowly made our connection to DC, and settled in for 7 and a half hours of cabin fever.

Simon enjoyed Pirates of the Carribean: At Worlds End, though was confused in parts, as he had forgotten parts of what happened in the second movie.
Churd also watched Pirates, though didn’t realise when Keith Richards appeared, despite having us supported the Stones twice a month or so ago.

James checked out Oceans 13, which we all agreed was fucking terrible, but worked better in the tedium of a metallic cylinder in the sky.

Ben watched various bits and pieces, amongst them Oceans 13, and various TV shows, none of which seemed to impress him.

I watched Spiderman 3, for the second time, and it was equally as shit as the first time, with the glorious exception of Bryce Dallas Howard, who shone like a US ground-to-air missile.

Upon arriving in DC, we went straight to our hotel, and hit the sack. It was around 6am UK time, so nobody had a particular struggle getting to sleep.
Churd and I hit the jetlag early though, and took a wander around the city this morning. The White House isn’t as impressive as you’d hope, though as a huge West Wing fan, it was fun walking around between the WH, Capitol Hill and Congress.

We’ve stopped to grab a coffee before going back to meet the boys, who should be up and about by now… fingers crossed… and then off to the 9:30 club to commence the first show of the tour…

looking forward to seeing the Editors boys… we had to unfortunately turn down their kind offer of bowling last night, as we arrived too late, but are looking forward to taking their money, and kicking their arse at the ten-pin olympics that will inevitably take place on a day off somewhere…

good times.x