Viennese Whirls…


Apologies for the utterly shit title of this diary entry, but as you may have guessed (or possibly, and probably haven’t) we are in Vienna, Austria today.

Hello all.

Apologies for the utterly shit title of this diary entry, but as you may have guessed (or possibly, and probably haven’t) we are in Vienna, Austria today.

We drove a horrific 700 miles from Berlin last night, which took us around 12 hours to do. Kudos to our driver Mel Gibson (yes, really)

The shows in mainland Europe thus far, have been really wonderful… the European Bloc Party fans seems to be very welcoming, and there’s still nice little pockets of existing Biffy fans showing up, which is lovely.

Yesterday, we enjoyed the sunshine of Berlin in the afternoon, and as with any sunny day on a Biffy tour, a football appeared, and was kicked within an inch of its life around the venue carpark, whilst 20 or so Bloc Party fans looked on through the gate.

Besides outdoor sports, we’ve picked ourselves up some pretty fucking fly little radio controlled aeroplanes, which are tremendous. I think we’ll try and put up a little video of that though, as words and photos can’t really do them justice… they’re incredible.

It’s been a fairly uneventful tour thus far I regret to say…

I’d hoped to have some hilarious stories of unfortunate events, but other than the fact that sound engineer Dave’s World of Warcraft alter-ego has been ‘reborn’ there’s not much to report. Apparently if you’re reborn that’s a good thing, so we’re all incredibly happy for him. And so should you.


I’ve just remembered, we were talking on the bus the other night about a few things we’re missing… So we figured we would appeal to those of you who are at home, and have more time and ability to do things…

Has anyone seen ‘Living Is A Problem…’ appear on (I kid you not) the coverage of the World Snooker Championships on the BBC…? Apparently its been used to soundtrack some of the coverage, which is very exciting, but we haven’t been able to see it… if anyone by any freak chance happens to have it on tape, it’d be lovely to see….

The other bit (and this is perhaps slightly cheekier) is that we’re struggling amongst ourselves to burn episodes of Heroes to DVD to watch on the bus…
Heroes, for those who are wondering "what the actual fuck…?" is an American tv show, somewhere inbetween Lost and X-Men… its very good. But unfortunately we’re struggling to see it, and poor Si has yet to see any of it.

So if anyone who has downloaded the series so far, fancies burning it to a few DVDs that would play in a DVD player, and bringing them to a show, we’d be sure to shower them in guestlists, t-shirts and love.

you can email me (neil) at (neil@biffycl… etc)

So…. blag over.

The UK tour is looming as well… like a large welcoming dark shadow approaching us, as we wind our way around Europe…

beforehand though, we visit Preston for Radio 1′ Big Weekend.
It’s a bit mad that we’re playing that, not to mention the fact that ‘living…’ is sitting on their B-List… but hey, we’re fairly ecstatic to go with it…!

Our guitar tech Churd is from Preston, incidentally, so it’ll be a nice homecoming for him… Biffy have played preston a few times, which he’s always managed to miss for one reason or another, so this seems appropriate.

Not to mention the fact, that by rights, he should be the most eligible Prestonian bachelor by a country fucking mile.

Form an orderly queue ladies (and gents)


we’re off to Dresden tonight… then we have a day off in Cologne. Our day off was initially going to see us travel to Paris for a TV show on ‘Album De La Semaine’, but thankfully that is happening a week later, so we can enjoy a day of not much at all in Cologne. I plan to use 5 Lush Bath Ballistics personally, and turn my room into some sort of tropical mist room.


so… we shall be back in touch soon…

If you see a large teal-green tour bus roll past you anytime soon, it might be us, so be sure to wave…

lots of love.x