

hello folks. we have arrived in Soho, London, tucked up in our fairly splendid hotel. Having managed to avoid to hot tub on the roof, everyone has retired reasonably early, prior to a rehearsal at BBC Television Centre (the place that you always see floodlit on Comic Relief, and that the pinball bounced round during the opening credits of Live & Kicking) tomorrow. hello folks.
we have arrived in Soho, London, tucked up in our fairly splendid hotel.

Having managed to avoid to hot tub on the roof, everyone has retired reasonably early, prior to a rehearsal at BBC Television Centre (the place that you always see floodlit on Comic Relief, and that the pinball bounced round during the opening credits of Live & Kicking) tomorrow.

Earlier, we went to a rehearsal space south of the river, where the band made a beautiful racket, to prepare the songs they’ll be introducing the audience of a certain late evening BBC music show. Late(r) being the operative word.

The 7 comrades that joined the band this evening, did exceptionally well.

To confirm what I’m hinting at, be sure to have a look on BBC2 on Tuesday evening.

we shall report back soon. Early nights all round tonight.x