

Greetings from the Pavilhao Atlantico…

Hello from Lisbon. Today, it has been beautifully sunny and almost approaching warm Hello from Lisbon.
Today, it has been beautifully sunny and almost approaching warm.

The venue is directly on the sea front today. A few of our crew decided to do a little bit of fishing this morning.
Unfortunately whilst they were doing so, they missed their load-in, and were surprised to find a team of 20 portuguese local crew unloading their trailer for them!

After the show tonight, we’ve got a mega drive to Limoges, France… we have two drivers onboard, who will tackle it in shifts. We’ve been shit-out of luck on this last stretch, having found ourselves with the aforementioned Lyon-Koln-Barcelona jaunt, and now Lisbon – Limoges.

I’ve been asked by a few people I’ve met on this tour, to throw some photos up on this here blog. I will try to do just that, though i’ve only taken a few so far on this leg… The old workload has unfortunately put paid to much by way of pictorial documentation, though I’m hoping to correct that.

In the meantime, you’ll be happy to know that we have a day off in Limoges tomorrow. We plan to do very little.

So not much to report at the moment, but here are some photos for your amusement.

They depict a rock’n’roll trashing of a dressing room in Zurich (well almost – someone threw an orange which knocked down the ceiling light), the dinner menu from somewhere in France, and some cold looking scottish guys walking along a street in Rotterdam.
