happy new year


happy new year one and all.

we leave on monday to go on tour. refreshed, relaxed and ready. i think. i trust you all had pleasant festive periods and are keeping well.

happy new year one and all. 

we leave on monday to go on tour. refreshed, relaxed and ready. i think. i trust you all had pleasant festive periods and are keeping well. 

have you seen the Who’s Got A Match? video on the tv yet? if you were at southampton, brixton, or norwich on the tour in November, certain things might look familiar. 

everyone is rested, and nowhere near as heavy as you’d expect, after many christmas dinners. Simon got married, we danced and were merry, and danced a bit more, until we were exceptionally merry. wonderful. 

we’re coming to the usa. in march. and maybe possibly hopefully japan but we’ll wait and see on that front. europe gets a taste in february, a fairly comprehensive jaunt, worthy of Michael Palin (who would admittedly do it in 74 hours, travelling exclusively by penny farthing). even preston gets the flavour, and guitar tech churd finally becomes "local boy done good". 

expect more information when the wheels start rolling on monday (early, so as to beat the rush hour) as well as the imminent detailed reports of frustrated encounters with others on the road they call [‘the road" expect the syndicate of this journal, starring ex boy-band 911 as the biff, to appear on ITV12 any day now, though without chris evans’ ex-wife. 

ps. have you see cloverfield yet?