Glasgow, its been a while…


Good evening glasgow…

we arrived back in Glasgow today, for the first time in a month or so.
As usual, not much has changed. Good evening glasgow…

we arrived back in Glasgow today, for the first time in a month or so.
As usual, not much has changed.

The band are currently doing some interviews prior to soundcheck.
I’m going to attempt to pop out shortly, and hide a pair of tickets somewhere nearby… Possibly… At this point, we’re actually struggling to locate either physical tickets, or space on the guestlist. Glasgow being Glasgow, everyone is coming out of the woodwork, and requesting/begging/demanding entry to the show… oh dear.

So far we’ve had a few belters…

“plus 13 will be fine yeah…?”
“what do you MEAN I’m not getting passes…!?”
“which hotel is that aftershow in? where’s that? I can get my 5 friends in as well?”

I’m anticipating even more…

anyone at Dundee last night…? How shit was the weather..? Welcome back to Scotland indeed…

tour manager neil.