

 Hello all,

On our shows in December, we will be allowing the great people at Invisible Children, access to the venues to hand out flyers and raise awareness for their cause.

We will also be running a competition with them, that will allow two competition winners to come along to the last show of the tour, at Glasgow’s SECC, and spend some time with our stage crew in the afternoon, who will show them how the stage is put together, and how a show of this scale is run. They will essentially get to be part of the Biffy road crew for the afternoon, before getting passes to enjoy the show in the evening.

Its a really cool prize, and one of the most behind-the-scenes prizes we’ve ever given.

To win, you simply need to buy a raffle ticket from I.C. You can buy as many as you like, and obviously the more you buy the more chances of winning you have. What makes it even better, is that all the money you donate, will be used entirely to help the children of Northern Uganda towards some sort of stability, free from fear.

I’d like to take this opportunity to urge you all to watch the following introduction video to the work of Invisible Children;

And if you can, please pick up a copy of the DVD from their website, or from one of the Biffy December shows… Its fairly heart wrenching stuff, and incredibly eye-opening.  It will make you want to get involved.

Details of the competition are here:

Thanks for taking the time to read this. x