A bit too late


I was going to post a lengthy diary entry, but we were up at 6am this morning, UK time, flew from Berlin to Cologne, went straight into 7 or so hours of press (which is more tiring than you’d think, for all concerned), then flew to London, where we’ve just arrived at our hotel.

hello hello.

I was going to post a lengthy diary entry, but we were up at 6am this morning, UK time, flew from Berlin to Cologne, went straight into 7 or so hours of press (which is more tiring than you’d think, for all concerned), then flew to London, where we’ve just arrived at our hotel.
4 bedrooms are calling 4 sleepy boys, before we get up tomorrow (not quite as early thankfully) to go to the video shoot for Living is a Problem…

So I promise I’ll do a longer one very soon,
hello to anyone reading from Germany, we had a lovely couple of days in your splendid country, and though we didn’t use them on this occasion, salute your superior rail system, and impeccable knack for wurst (with the obvious exception, as the poor band found out today, of the bloodwurst…

I’ll be quick about this…

Band all order the ‘cologne breakfast’ featuring the intriguing ‘black sausage’.
This breakfast transpires to be 2 thick wedges of bright orange cheese, and a small hockey-puck of odd looking, brick coloured ‘meat’ with white speckles. It was also deliberately cold.

2 of them almost threw up, 1 of them tried a tiny bit, and almost threw up.

Turns out, this bad boy is called ‘Bloodwurst’ and whilst similar on paper to the Black Pudding, isn’t anywhere near being food.


So anyway…

Aside from the bloodwurst, sausages, nice one…

Thank you germany.

Video shoot tomorrow around London Bridge… nice. The boys are going to get soaked, which will be grim as hell for them. But they’re the consumate professionals as always. I hope.

word out.x